This is the most complete and in-depth training available in Canada!


Enter the heart of tenderness, touch, openness and respect for others.

This training is aimed at people who want to learn in depth this Mexican rite of passage with the rebozo. There are no prerequisites.

This transmission is for anyone who wants to learn in depth this ritual. In Module 1 you will learn the massage with the rebozo (manteada) and closing of the bones with the rebozo (cerrada). In Module 2 you will learn the herbal sweat (human temazcal) and the ceremonial bath.

At the end of this training (after Modules 1 and 2), you will be able to offer this ceremony with integrity, confidence and safety.

Although this ceremony is originally intended for the postpartum (including after an abortion, miscarriage or perinatal death), it can be received throughout life to physically and symbolically close the cycles in the moments of mourning (separation, diagnosis, illness, infertility, etc.), periods of transition (change of career or domicile, menopause, gender transition, etc.) and also to celebrate new stages of life (adoption, marriage, birthday, birth, etc.).

This ritual tends to the body on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Take advantage of the opportunity to learn ancestral tools, taught by two Mexican doulas and ritualists with over 8 years of experience, to allow you to accompany and bring gentleness, warmth and presence to the people you love or the clients you support.

MODULE 1 : MAY 15-17, 2024


  • The Module 1 (April 15-17, 2024) of this training takes place in several stages:

    FOUNDATIONS PART: online theoretical training.

    PRACTICAL PART: three days in person to learn in depth the massage with the rebozo (manteada) and closing of the bones with the rebozo (cerrada) and apply the foundations of traditional Mexican medicine.

    SHARING PART: In groups of 2, you will offer a manteada and cerrada to a partner from the training and receive a manteada and cerrada as well.

  • MODULE 1

    Foundations of traditional

    Mexican medicine (Part 1)

    - Honoring tradition

    - Duality

    - The medicine wheel

    - The elements and this ritual

    - Concepts of cold and heat

    - Coyolxauhqui

    - Songs

    - The altar

    - Protections

    -The use of the faja

    History of the rebozo and the closing of the bones ritual

    - Introduction and history of the rebozo

    - Postpartum ritual bath (baño postparto) as practiced in Mexico

    - The ritual as practiced in North American and European contexts

    - Stages



    - Health questionnaire


    -Choosing your partner

    Manteada and cerrada

    - Massage with the rebozo (manteada): sitting and laying down

    - Basic biomechanics for self-care

    - Closing the physical and

    and emotional body (cerrada)

    - The return: how to welcome the experience

    Reciprocity and ecology

    - Reciprocity and cultural respect

    - Return to the communities


    - Respect for plants

    - How to take better care

    of Mother Earth

  • MODULE 2

    Foundations of traditional

    Mexican medicine (Part 2)

    -The spirit and stories of the plants

    -Introduction to traditional

    mexican herbology

    - Tlazolteotl

    - The history of the temazcal

    -Introduction to the human temazcal

    -Precautions and contraindications

    for the temazcal

    The postnatal period

    - Challenges in the postnatal period

    - Light and shadow

    - When memories awaken

    - Midlife and care

    - Care after difficult births: C-section, hemorrhage, tears, etc.

    - Recommended plants

    for postnatal care

    - Plants not recommended


    Human temazcal and

    ceremonial bath

    - Human temazcal

    - The herbal bath

    - The energy of water

    -The place of our word and prayer

    - The moment of rest and integration

    - Closing the physical and

    and emotional body with rebozos (cerrada)

    -Cacao and closing of the ritual

    Holding space and trauma

    - How to create and hold a supportive and safe space

    - Our role

    -Our limits

    - Providing care after abortion, miscarriage, infertility or perinatal death

    - When trauma awakens in us or the person receiving

    - Consent

    - Transforming difficult experiences

    -Challenging stories

  • An illustrated guide, a certificate of participation and all the materials during the training.

    Accommodations not included.

  • Module 1 $750 + tax

    Email us for details:

    BIPOC scholarships available.

  • Online class: MAY 2, 2024

    In person intensive: MAY 15-17, 2024



“Training in Mexican ritual care with the rebozos is an immense space of sharing and energy. Andréa and Angie offer wonderful tools to offer a precious moment to honor passages in a person's life, which is unfortunately absent in our culture in Quebec.”

- Dalia Séguin, doula and student midwife

Return to communities


For a long time, we have wondered what a fair and equitable exchange is. How can we return to our communities by thanking them for what has been transmitted to us? How can we help not lose these ancestral traditions and maintain a relationship with the people who shared this precious knowledge with us?

Collective Rebozo has decided to donate a percentage of each training to special projects with the Bazan/Chavez family in Teotitlán del Valle and with our midwifery and herbalist teachers in Mexico.

It’s a way of taking care of the guardians of this tradition and circulating the energy.

Registrations for training are now open. For more details please send us a short message.